
I watched the movie Underworld at home on DVD last night, and I have to confess, I LOVED it! This movie was pretty much panned by critics, and admittedly the premise of the story is somewhat absurd, and the dialog isn’t that good, but visually and aurally, it’s great. Although there’s little food for thought, there’s plenty of candy for both the eyes and ears, with attractive stylish characters doing impressive “wire-work” stunts in dark gothic sets, plus excellent use of Dolby Digital surround sound.

It was also really nice to see an action/fantasy movie that didn’t rely too heavily on computer graphics for a change; most of the effects were done the old-fashioned way using prosthetics — basically guys in animatronic rubber monster suits. And finally of course, Kate Beckinsale is amazing as Selene, the beautiful leather-and-latex clad femme fatale, instantly joining the ranks of other movie-femme-fatales-I-really-liked, such as Anne Parrilaud in Nikita and Carrie Anne Moss in the Matrix trilogy (Matrices?).

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