Just a quick post to recommend Channel 4’s Snowmail service, a daily e-mail taster of news stories that will be aired on Channel 4 news later the same day. Although somewhat UK-centric, the reportage is extremely current, agreeably personal, and often very funny, as this excerpt from today’s post (by Alex Thomson) amply demonstrates:
“Turns out he [Mark Thompson, erstwhile boss of Channel 4 and now BBC Director-General] BIT an employee many moons ago when running the BBC 9 O’clock News (always an aggressive newsgathering operation in my limited experience). Yes – bit an employee. He’s admitted it. He never bit me all the time he was at Channel 4 and now I don’t know whether to feel relieved or left out.”
Sign up for Snowmail here: http://www.channel4.com/news/snowmail/index.html