This is cool — Pandora is a new free web service that came out of something called the Music Genome Project.
Apparently, the people behind this project have analyzed hundreds of attributes for over ten thousand tracks, and come up with a unique “genome” for each track. The idea behind the Pandora service is that you type in the name of an artist or track, and then it searches the database and plays other tracks with similar attributes.
In addition, you can register whether you like or dislike the suggested tracks, add a track to your favourites list, or buy the track from an online music store.
I can see why they chose the name Pandora — it could potentially open up a time-consuming and costly world of new music if it worked too well! Thanks to Scyld for pointing me to this.
Where did it all go?
Love, your old eLib programme colleagues.
Where did it all go?
Love, your old eLib programme colleagues.