Category Archives: Home

Happy Holidays 2013!

Well, it’s that time of year yet again — it seems like only a few weeks since last Christmas!

We’ve been rather rubbish at sending Christmas cards this year, but have at least managed to take a quick festive family photo before we head back to the U.K. for the Christmas and New Year’s festivities.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Tony, Lori Ann and Vivienne!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Tony, Lori Ann and Vivienne!

Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a fabulous 2014!

Tony, Lori Ann & Vivienne

Brooklyn, NY

Happy Holidays 2012

I’m resurrecting an old tradition this year by sending electronic holiday/Christmas greetings to friends, family, acquaintances, and the Interwebs at large.

Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it, and best wishes for 2013 from all of us here in Brooklyn, NY!

Holiday Greetings for 2012 from Tony, Lori Ann and Vivienne

Holiday Greetings for 2012 from Tony, Lori Ann and Vivienne

Hot & Hungover in NYC

Woke up to 33°C (92°F) temperature and 60% humidity with a killer hangover that even Berocca couldn’t completely mask today (incidentally, if you haven’t discovered this miracle of dietary supplements, I strongly recommend you pick some up next time you’re in a commonwealth country. And thanks for Jim Michalko for tipping me off to the stuff!).

My next apartment, which is looking as though it’s going to be in the Cobble Hill/Carroll Gardens neighbourhood of Brooklyn, is DEFINITELY going to have an air conditioner.

Stuff Arrives

My stuff finally arrived in NYC just after 9am today, 22 days (i.e. more than 3 weeks!) after it was picked up by Bekins. That’s only slightly less time than it took to ship 5 crates from Britain to San Francisco by boat! A few inconsequential items were physically damaged, and some of the boxes were badly water-damaged — my stereo will need to dry out thoroughly before I try using it. Most of the boxes looked like they’d been bashed around quite a bit; the fact that most of my possessions seem to have survived intact is entirely due to my girlfriend Jessica, who did an amazing job of organizing my packing when I was walking around cluelessly scratching my head, helping me pack, and dealing with the movers in California after I’d already set off. Thanks Jess!